Imports of Fresh Avocado To Denmark (Avocado in Denmark)

Denmark is a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe with a population approaching 6 million. The increasing consumption of avocados all over the world has also manifested itself in Denmark and today avocados are frequently consumed as a tropical fruit in terms of both health and taste. The rural-urbanization trend, which is increasing globally in all countries, has also been reflected in Denmark and new urban dwellers are changing their diets with this transition.

No matter how active city life is, there are of course some negative aspects, and among these aspects, dangers such as cholesterol are of concern to many Danes. Studies have shown that avocados are beneficial in lowering LDL cholesterol and are an attractive fruit in terms of healthy fats.

Today in Denmark, many avocado recipes are at the top of dietary lists. Although avocado consumption is increasing day by day, unfortunately, there is only a very limited production of avocados for hobbyists in Denmark. Therefore, the avocados needed are imported from outside.

Denmark Avocado Imports

Denmark is a league of champions when it comes to avocado consumption, with a very high avocado consumption for a population of 6 million. The avocado imports for 2021 are just over 20,000 tons, the highest avocado imports were in 2020, and when we look at the last 10 years of avocado imports, avocado imports in 2012 doubled in 2021.

Fresh Avocado from Kenya
Fresh Avocado from Kenya

As can be seen, avocado consumption in Denmark is constantly increasing, but this deficit is met by imports from abroad due to the lack of sufficient studies on production. When we look at the countries that import avocados to Denmark, the Netherlands ranks first, followed by countries such as Spain, Germany, Peru, Chile, Belgium. As an alternative country to these countries, Kenya has recorded a rapid rise in organic avocado production all over the world. Due to its climate and low production costs, avocado imports are shifting to Kenya.

If you want to import avocados in Denmark, the transportation routes you can choose are air and sea transportation. Fresh avocados brought through Copenhagen Airport are stored in cold storage rooms located in the cargo terminal until the moment of shipment. Another alternative for sea transportation is the port of Aarhus, which is an ideal port for large container ships and has stations that provide electricity supply for cold chain containers.

If you are interested in importing avocados for Denmark and don’t know where to start, then I would like to introduce you to Latmek Exporters, a leading avocado producer from Kenya.

Latmek Exporters, a Trusted Company for Importing Avocados from Kenya to Denmark

Latmek Exporters is able to reliably deliver fresh avocados of many different types such as Hass, Fuerte, Pinkerton, Jumbo, Hass, Fuerte, Pinkerton, Pinkerton, Jumbo, etc., grown organically and traditionally on our farms in the high altitude regions of Kenya.

For more than 7 years we have been organically growing the highest quality avocados on our farms and we have the ability to provide you with always fresh avocados for a long period of time, from February to October. Since we have low input costs during production and the climatic conditions are very favorable for avocado production, we are able to produce avocados in a much more advantageous way than other producing countries.

Latmek Exporters - Fresh Avocado Imports
Latmek Exporters – Fresh Avocado Imports

As Latmek Exporters, we have certified our global avocado supply with HCDA Certification, GLOBAL GAP and KEPHIS certificates.

You can safely import the best quality fresh organic avocados for your customers from Kenya with Latmek Exporters. For detailed information about avocado imports and avocado prices for 2023, you can contact us at the numbers on our contact page.

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